25 Greenfield Road South Deerfield, MA 01373

Saturday, June 25, 2011

As wedding vendors, every day we have the awesome responsibility of hosting our client’s special memories. We plan wedding receptions, graduations, birthday parties, showers, and family celebrations, to name a few. We are tasked with matching a vision to a reality, and sometimes that vision is years in the making. And when it matches, the feelings that ensue make it all worth it. Tears of excitement, smiles, and hugs combined with the overwhelming sense that “we did good,” overshadow any of the obstacles and challenges we encountered along the way. What if we had the opportunity to do good, in a much broader of a sense? To do what we love, but to a degree that is much larger than our own venue, our own business, and even ourselves?

Wish Upon a Wedding is the world’s first nonprofit wish granting organization providing weddings and vow renewals for couples battling terminal illness and serious life-altering circumstances, regardless of sexual orientation. Made up completely of wedding industry professionals, Wish Upon a Wedding was created to celebrate the courage, determination, and spirit of these couples by granting their dream wedding wishes. The hope is that chosen recipients can inspire other couples facing similar situations to find hope and strength.

This past Monday night, WUW launched its newest chapter, Boston & New England, at the Artist’s for Humanity Epicenter, in Boston. In the same fashion as the foundation grants wedding wishes, every element of the launch party was donated. From the event space, the dessert table, espresso bar, table linens, tables and chairs, to the elaborate lighting, photo booth, and music. The foundation relies completely on the generosity of vendors providing their time, talents, and services, as well as monetary contributions. Every detail, donated. As the event chair tasked with planning the launch, and Western Massachusetts based, I felt a little out of my comfort zone planning a party in Boston, with a zero dollar budget. Out of my immediate network, the prospect of cold-calling vendors to donate to an organization that they may not yet heard of – not number one on my list. Yet, with each call I made, I found myself so overwhelmingly moved with indescribable emotion. Vendors were ready, willing, and excited to participate, and with this, I knew that we were doing something not just good, but great. Amazing. Never before had I met so many wonderfully generous individuals, and on Monday night, I found myself surrounded by over 200 of them. There are not enough ways to thank each of the vendors for the success and magic of the night.

With all this said, I can not wait to introduce Wish Upon a Wedding to those like-minded industry leaders in Western Massachusetts. We work together every weekend, creating special memories for our couples and their families. I can’t wait for the opportunity to do the same for a couple that truly needs us.

Enter Joe and Joanne. Joanne is a stage IV Lung Cancer patient, and also a breast cancer survivor. Joe is her fiancé, and her rock. They have hearts that are so incredibly brave to fight this battle together, fully aware of the future, but unafraid. With multiple surgeries and increasingly frequent hospital trips, wedding planning has taken a back seat. In addition to officially launching the chapter Monday night, the Board of Directors also announced that they have granted their first wedding wish to Joe and Joanne, and will celebrate the occasion in just one month.

With so many non-profits putting out a call to action, and your time valuable, you really need to decide which one speaks to your heart. Joe and Joanne and Wish Upon a Wedding have mine (and Chandler’s!).

DL Video Productions put together a love story and same day edit from Monday night. I’m honored to introduce Joe and Joanne to you. I’d love to tell you more, but I think the video itself speaks volumes. I suggest having a tissue on hand, and encourage you to watch and see how you too can be part of something wonderful.

To learn more visit our website: www.wishuponawedding.org or  Like Us on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WishUponaWeddingBoston

P.S. A huge thank you goes out to Dana Siles Photography and Afterglow Photography for capturing the evening in photos.

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